The purpose of the Mason County Democrats is to help elect Local, State, and National leaders who work for equality, justice, security, and opportunity for all. To this end, the organization welcomes those who believe in an individual’s right to choose, the rule of law, the Constitution of the United States, and the principles of the Democratic Party.
We work to promote government effectiveness and to further the success of the Party in national, state, and county elections. We strive to educate our members and the public about Democratic Party principles, support local Party officials, and build and maintain an effective local Democratic organization that recruits, assists, and elects candidates to office who share Party values.
Our Values
- Universal Healthcare: Healthcare is a human right.
- Living-Wage Jobs: A fair economy and tax system and the right to organize labor unions.
- Getting Corporate Money out of Politics: Repealing the Citizens United law that says corporations are people.
- Social Security: As a safety net for the elderly, disabled, widows and children.
- Free Public Education: From Pre-School through College or Trade School.
- Full Equality: Regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or national origin.
- A Fair Criminal Justice System: Where the rule of law is applied to everyone.
- Corporate Tax Reform: Where everyone pays a fair share.
- Common Sense Gun Laws: Raise the age limit, require background checks, ban military semi- and automatic weapons.
- Economic and Social Justice: Closing the income gap.
- Environmental Sustainability: To protect our planet from Climate Change and Pollution.
- A Woman’s Right to Choose: A Woman must have sovereignty over her own body and reproductive choices.